
Selasa, 09 Juni 2020

Format OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) dan Format Excel (.xlsx)

Saat anda menyimpan file dengan format .ods (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) di Ms.Excel 2010 kemudian ketika anda membukanya lagi, kemungkinan anda akan mendapati beberapa perbedaan pemformatan antara versi Excel 2010 (.xlsx) dengan versi OpenDocument (.ods).

Hal ini terjadi karena ada perbedaan fitur yang didukung masing-masing format tersebut.

Data dan konten akan di konversi sesuai dengan fitur masing-masing format, sehingga ini akan mempengaruhi bagaimana anda berinteraksi dengan data dan konten pada setiap format file ini.

Dalam proses penyimpanan file ini (saving), anda juga dapat mengatur default format melalui menu Options seperti ini :

Klik pada tab menu File,

dibawah Help klik Options,

klik Save, dibawah Save Workbooks, pilih format file yang anda inginkan pada menu list view Save files in this format.

Default Saving
Apa yang tejadi jika anda menyimpan file dalam format .ods ?

Ada 3 kemungkinan yang akan anda dapatkan jika menyimpan file Excel anda kedalam format .ods, yaitu :

Pertama, semua fitur didukung baik dalam format .ods maupun .xlsx sehingga semua data dan konten akan di tampilkan secara sama, begitu juga bagaimana cara anda berinteraksi dengan data dan konten tersebut dilakukan dengan cara yang sama.

Kedua, hanya mendukung sebagian fitur saja. Dalam kondisi ini, mungkin saja semua fitur masih didukung, namun ada beberapa format dan fungsi yang terpengaruh. Disini bisa saja tidak ada teks atau data yang hilang, akan tetapi pemformatan dan cara anda bekerja dengan teks atau data tersebut berbeda.

Terakhir, sama sekali tidak di dukung (Not Supported). Artinya semua fitur Excel 2010 tidak di dukung dalam format .ods. Sehingga jika anda tetap menyimpan file kedalam format .ods maka anda akan beresiko kehilangan format, konten, maupun fungsi dokumen anda.

Berikut kami salin tabel fitur Excel 2010 terhadap format OpenDocument Spreadsheet dari fitur Help Ms.Excel 2010 :

Area Subarea Level of Support Comments
Formatting Row Heights/ Column Widths Supported Appereance should be similar
Formatting Cell Supported
Hyperlinks Supported There might be issuses with Hyperlink styles
Formatting Cell Styles Supported
Print Print Ranges Supported
Print Page breaks Supported
Print Repeat Rows/ Columns Not Supported
Print Header/ Footer Partially Supported When you save the file in .ods format and opon it again in Excel, Image, firs page or odd/ even options are not supported.
Formulas Supported
Formulas Names Partially Supported When you save the file in .ods format and opon it again in Excel, Local Names, Named Expressions, and names to discontinuous ranges are not supported.
Cell Comments Partially Supported Comment with content are round-tripped. Formatting on the comment might not be supported when you save the file in .ods format and open it again in Excel.
Data Tools Group & Outline Supported
OLE Objects Supported
Settings Window Settings Not Supported
Settings Sheet/ Book Settings Not Supported
Protection Sheet Protection Partially Supported When you save in .ods format and open it again in Excel, protection without a password is supported. However files with a password-protected sheet cannot be saved or opened
Protection Information Rights Management (IRM) Not Supported Files with IRM turned on cannot be saved.
Protection Encryption Not Supported Files with this type protection cannot be saved
Data Tools Data Validation Partially Supported When you save in .ods format and open it again in Excel, some formula type Data Validation cannot be saved
External Data Web Queries Supported
External Data Query Tables partially Supported Some setting, such as inserted columns, are not supported
Tables Total Rows Not Supported
Tables Table Styles Not Supported
Data Tools Short Partially Supported Some advanced settings are not supported
Data Tools Subtotal Partially Supported When you save the file in .ods format and open it again in Excel, the formulas themselves are supported, but the settings for re-applying are not supported.
Data Tools Filter Partially Supported Basic filtering is supported, but the Filter features added in Excel 2010 are not supported.
PivotTable Styles Not Supported
PivotTable Layout Partially Supported When you save the file in .ods format and open it again in Excel, some layouts, such as compact axis, are not supported.
PivotTable Calculated fields Not Supported
PivotTable Grouping Partially Supported
PivotTables OLAP Pivots Not Supported
Data Tools Consolidation Not Supported
Shared Workbooks Not Supported
Charts Data labels Partially Supported When you save the file in .ods format and open it again in Excel, some Data Labels are not supported.
Charts Data tables Not Supported
Charts Trendlines Partially Supported When you save the file in .ods format and open it again in Excel, some Trendlines are not supported.
Charts Error bars Partially Supported When you save the file in .ods format and open it again in Excel, some Error Bars are not supported.
Charts Drop Lines Not Supported
Charts Hi-Low lines Not Supported
Charts Leader lines on data labels Not Supported
Charts Filled Radar Charts Not Supported
Charts Legends Partially Supported When you save the file in .ods format and open it again in Excel, some settings are not supported.
Charts PivotCharts Not Supported
charts Chart Sheets Not Supported
Charts Pie of Pie or Bar of Pie Not Supported
OLAP Formulas Not Supported
charts Shapes on charts Not Supported

Tabel Fitur Grafis Ms.Excel 2010 :

Basic Shapes Level of support Comments
Shapes Supported
Text boxes Supported Supported except for objects inside text boxes. The objects inside the text box are dropped when you open an OpenDocument file.
WordArt Partially Supported ODF does not support the WordArt options in Excel. As a result, WordArt is converted to a text box on save. The text and base text color are maintained but WordArt effects and formatting are lost.
3D shapes options Not Supported
Pictures Supported Supported except for the insert and link option that are not supported in ODF.
SmartArt diagrams Supported Converted to a group of shapes
ActiveX controls Not Supported
Excel form controls Not Supported
Objects in charts Supported Converted to a group containing the chart and objects.
Signature line object Not Supported
Camera tool/paste as picture link object Not Supported
Ink annotation Supported The ink annotation is converted to an Enhanced Metafile (EMF) image.
Group of objects Supported Some objects cannot be grouped together in Excel 2010, so the objects are ungrouped when you open the OpenDocument file. This includes a chart, picture, shape, or text box grouped with an OLE object.
Object visibility Not Supported Invisible objects become visible after saving the file in .ods and opening again in Excel 2010.
Object borders Supported Not all border styles are supported. Border styles that are not supported are saved as the default border style (black, solid line).
Object fills Supported Supported except that gradient fills with more than two stops lose all stops after the first two.
Line formatting Supported Not all line and line end styles are supported in ODF. Styles that are not supported are saved as the default, black solid line and open arrow type, respectively.
Picture cropping Supported Regular cropping of a picture is supported. However, cropping a picture with a shape is not supported.
Picture recoloring Partially Supported Some picture recoloring has the equivalent in ODF, such as black and white. Other picture recoloring does not have an equivalent and is flattened. The picture appears the same but the recoloring can no longer be changed or removed.
3D picture options Not Supported
Picture styles Partially Supported Borders are partially supported, but might not look the same.
Themes Not Supported
Hyperlink on shape Not Supported

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